Monday, January 16, 2012

The Catholic Church and Social Justice Issues

"In our Catholic parishes, schools, charities, hospitals and other ministries, the poor, the underemployed and the unemployed are not issues, but people with names and faces. It is an essential part of our work as Catholics to build a more just society and economy."
Visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's new webpage and learn more about this resource on poverty, option for the poor, the common good, labor, economic life and the deficit. You also can read about the Circle of Protection, Faith Advocates for Jobs, the latest U.S. Census Bureau reports on poverty, and more.  See the post "Unemployment and Poverty" below.

Unemployment and Poverty

Unemployment and Poverty

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A lesson from the Mormons?

Interesting that in the light of our conversations about Mormonism during last night's RCIA class, we find this morning an article about one aspect of Mormon life that we should perhaps consider for ourselves!  Especially interesting today when the daily scripture reading is about Samuel who simply answered God's call with "Here I am, Lord...".  Read the article from Word on Fire here.